A curated handmade marketplace brought to you by the founders of Jackalope Arts. FREE SHIPPING on all US orders.
Neptunic SharkSuit Keychain with African Amazonite - Sustainable Fashion for Ocean Lovers
Hamsa - Shielding Hand Keychain with Amethyst
Paw Prints of Love Earrings
Turquoise Wrap Bracelet with Shark Tooth
Shark Tooth Earrings
Ocean Treasures Wrap Bracelet with Gold Shark Tooth
Ocean Treasures Wrap Bracelet with Silver Shark Tooth
Turtle Tracks Earrings
Turtle Tracks Amazonite Wrap Bracelet - Support Conservation in Borneo
Ocean Serenity Turtle Bracelet
Champion of Change: Octopus Necklace
Innocence & Awareness: Bunny Earrings
Wild and Free: Horse Earrings
Forever Faithful Dog Earrings
Purrfect Love Earrings: Reflecting Unconditional Cat Affection
Innocence & Awareness: Bunny Wrap Bracelet
Paw Prints of Love Wrap Bracelet - Heart Shaped
Paw Prints of Love Wrap Bracelet
Wild and Free: Horse Necklace
Purrfect Love Wrap Bracelet: Reflecting Unconditional Cat Affection
Forever Faithful Dog Necklace
Cosmic Cat Necklace
Purrfect Love Necklace: Reflecting Unconditional Cat Affection
Obsidian Shield Earrings
Obsidian and Onyx Shield Necklace
Peaceful Waters Chrysocolla Earrings
Peaceful Waters Necklace: Chrysocolla and Turquoise
Gentle Heart Rose Quartz Earrings
Gentle Heart Rose Quartz Necklace
Fire and Earth Earrings
Fire and Earth Necklace
Orange Blossom Aventurine Earrings